Marta Jankowska

Sustainability Lead | International, Office

Marta’s primary responsibilities are vendor and delivery management as well as overseeing our sustainability activities. She started as an intern optimising Workz’ process on sales and production and researching the market. What attracted Marta to Workz is the opportunity to work with sustainability and change through involvement.

She moved from Poland right after finishing high school to start her bachelor’s degree in Market and Management Anthropology at University of Southern Denmark. Here, she gained insight into how cultures, societies and markets differ. This was followed by a master’s in social Entrepreneurship and Management which broadened her understanding of sustainable social change.

The most important things to Marta are her family, close friends, and music. She enjoys going to concerts and festivals, and discovering new, exciting bands. You can also find her boxing or swimming or getting lost in thrift shops in search for undefined gems.