Inspiration meets connection

Walking through the booths, you might notice a big, colourful tower standing tall in the middle of the conference. Curiosity is piqued, and you have taken the first step towards discovering who we are.

Our colleagues, Ditte and Yasmin, recently returned from the global ATD conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Over three days, they connected with professionals, gained new leads, and engaged with participants in talent development and leadership.

“I highly recommend the ATD conference to anyone in talent and leadership development — it’s almost like a festival”, Yasmin recalls.

3 topics from the conference that inspired us:

  1. The Future of AI in Learning: How will AI generative learning shape the future generation of leaders and learners? In which ways will L&D suppliers be compelled to integrate AI into their products?
  2. Personalised Learning:  Will the human side of learning be influenced, and will personalised experiences become trivial in the future?
  3. Learning vs. Internalising: Where does the L&D industry stand about the quantity vs. quality dilemma, and will the gap between how we learn and our ability to internalise the learning become wider?

At Workz, we emphasise group-based facilitation, helping individuals learn from each other in a safe and impactful environment. Our contribution to the ATD EXPO was a display combining serious learning with playful engagement while embodying our focus on the human side of learning. It communicated our identity, combining serious content with playful engagement while embodying our focal point on the human side of change management. 

To align with these themes, we emphasised the balance between showcasing our work and demonstrating its benefits. At Workz, we create physical learning experiences that foster peer-to-peer learning and personalised experiences without reliance on AI. We also aim to facilitate group interactions that create a safe and impactful learning environment.

Our Approach

At Workz, we create physical learning experiences that foster peer-to-peer learning and personalised engagement. Our approach combines seriousness with playfulness. In doing so, our colleague, Julie, designed the booth to be engaging and interactive.

“It all started with a suitcase”, recalls Julie.

When preparing for the event, our team began with several success criteria - designing a sustainable, reusable, and interactive booth, all while packing everything into three 24 kg suitcases. 

“Obstacles make you creative because they require designing within limitations. These limitations present new opportunities to explore, encouraging you to experiment, fail, and refine your ideas until you find a solution”, Julie explains.

These constraints sparked creativity, pushing the team to design a booth that fit our needs.

Three Suitcases

What can three 24 kg suitcases do? For us, various games and tools to the conference. This method was engaging as it is fun to build, compact, lightweight, and adaptable for future use. 

We packed one of the suitcases with the tower designed by Julie. The tower is a cube system with small tables for brochures, creating a visual interaction that is both educational and accessible. What might have resembled a Lego tower made our display playful and engaging.

Check out some photos from the event to see our booth and materials 

  • Ditte and Yasmin at the ATD Conference standing by the booth
    Ditte and Yasmin at the ATD Conference standing by the booth
  • The booth at ATD with the tower in front and Wallbreakers® on the floor
    The booth at ATD with the tower in front and Wallbreakers® on the floor
  • Displaying Playmakers® (right) and Bridgebuilders® (left)
    Displaying Playmakers® (right) and Bridgebuilders® (left)
  • A special look at the brochure
    A special look at the brochure
  • Full view of the tower
    Full view of the tower
  • The tower up close
    The tower up close
  • Tower with the brochures
    Tower with the brochures
  • Tower materials in a suticase
    Tower materials in a suticase
  • Brochure, front and back cover pages
    Brochure, front and back cover pages