
Timekeepers™ is a simulation about the management part of project management. It is a tool for training project managers in risk management and in balancing long term planning and ad hoc control.


Timekeepers™ train them how to react when the unexpected occurs

One of the most central tasks of project management is planning and resource management. But the conditions of projects often change underway. They can be affected by changes in the organisation, new demands from the customer, increased market conditions or changes in the composition of the project team.

This requires project managers that are able to manage risk, and who are able to make plans that are robust and flexible at the same time – also when the unexpected occurs.


Timekeepers™ provides the participants with a safe space, where they are able to train in management methods and management competencies. The game trains the participants in planning and resource management and in how one, as a project manager, prepares for the internal and external risks that can threaten a project. The game is constructed so that the players are given immediate feedback on their actions. This creates a space for reflecting on the challenges they encounter in their daily work as project managers.


Timekeepers™ is built around a specific case. The participants work in groups of 3-5 people who share the role of a project manager. Each group must make their team complete a number of tasks. During the game the groups must respond to unexpected events, while they are continuously scored on their ability to meet deadlines and budgets, deliver at the expected level of quality, and ensure goodwill for the project within the organisation. 


Timekeepers™ is based on acclaimed theories on project management. It is not a requirement that participants are certified project managers or that they have worked with tools such as Critical Path, PERTH, Gantt charts etc.


Timekeepers™ has been used to train project managers in Dansk IT, ISS, and DSB IT. It is an integrated part of KMD’s project manager education.

“In a service oriented corporation such as ISS, it’s important to have a constant project momentum. Our project managers must be able to maintain the big picture and the focus on the goals on projects that are carried through under constant changes and in a tough competition for resources. We use Timekeepers™ to train them, so they know how to react when the unexpected occurs." - Bo Klemmensen, Excellence Manager, BD, ISS Facility Services A/S


  • As a part of organisational development. For education and training of new project managers.
  • For creating a common frame of reference among project managers and project participants.
  • As a team exercise when implementing new project management models.


  • A better understanding of the responsibilities, challenges, and pitfalls of managing complex projects.  
  • Increased reflection on personal management styles, and how to become better at handling risk, changes, plans, and resources.  


  • It is played in groups of 3 to 6 persons.
  • It can be played in a half or a full day or as part of a longer training programme.
  • It can be facilitated by Workz or by your own employees who have been certified by Workz.
  • Available in English and Danish.
  • Find the critical path of the project
    Find the critical path of the project
  • Manage your team
    Manage your team