Change Climate Assessment

What is your employees mindset when to comes to change? How competent is your management team in change leadership? How many ongoing changes are your organisation experiencing right at this time?

You need to map your territory before embarking on a change journey. When it comes to change, knowing the current status of your organisation is crucial. A solid self-awareness can help you in planning the change, choosing the approach and prepare your leadership team for the task ahead.

Working with change in large and small organisations for the last 20 years, we have developed a practical understanding of the characteristics of change culture and the implications it has on change readiness and approaches.

Assessing and mapping the change climate is part of our own toolbox for larger change projects, and we now also offer this service as a stand-alone service with a light footprint in terms of time and ressources.

What is a change climate assessment?

A change climate assessment looks at the way the organisation approaches change in general, how other ongoing changes is experienced and how the specific upcoming change is perceived.

We look at all levels of the organisation and at differences between different parts of the organsation as we answer important question like:

  • What is out culture of change?
  • Do we see the changes as positive or negative? 
  • What the ongoing changes are we experiencing?
  • How do they impact our performance? 
  • How should we prioritise between them?
  • Do we understand the reason for the upcoming change? And why it is being handled the way it is?
  • What will it mean to us? How can we contribute? 

Our focus is on the human side of change. We map the different stories, experiences and perceptions in the organisation, the importance of culture and the behavioural impact of leadership and communication.

How do we do it?

We understand the need for a flexible and lightweight process that does not interfere in everyday work or set the project back unnesesarily.

A change climate assessment is conducted as a mix of broad digital surveys, interviews with key representatives and workshops with focus groups.

In the workshops, we use gamification and dialogue tools to uncover assumptions and tacit knowledge. In a trusting and playful atmosphere we dig below the surface to not just hear what people want to tell us, but also what we need to know.

The assessment can be organisation-wide or narrowed down to a specific team or department depending on scope and available time.