Partnering up with IMD Business School

”Working with Workz in general and the Bridgebuilders exercise in particular has been a great pleasure. The leadership simulations stimulate, as we like to say at IMD, real learning with real impact for our executives.”

Robert Hooijberg, Professor of Organizational Behavior

We are thoroughly excited to announce that we have formed a new partnership with IMD, The International Institute for Management Development, which is one of the world’s leading business schools. For quite some time, we have admired IMD and their very strong academic positions and insights within (Workz-favourite) topics such as change management, organisational culture and leadership development. We must admit we are pinching ourselves!   


During this winter, we have made the trip to Lausanne in Switzerland, the home of IMD, numerous times. We have certified members of their faculty as facilitators of three of our leadership simulations – Wallbreakers®, Gamechangers® and Bridgebuilders® - and we have also had the pleasure of assisting the IMD team in applying our solutions in tailormade programs catering to their corporate clients.

Today, our Bridgebuilders simulation® built for training global leadership skills is already integrated into BPSE, one of IMD’s most renown programs for top executives. This summer, Workz solutions will be deployed by IMD in multiple places in Europa and Asia.

We are proud to offer our expertise in a strong partnership with our shared passion for real and impactful learning and we look forward to revealing more details about our collaboration in the near future.

  • The professors hard at work
    The professors hard at work
  • Playing Bridgebuilders™
    Playing Bridgebuilders™
  • Playing Bridgebuilders™
    Playing Bridgebuilders™
  • Playing Bridgebuilders™
    Playing Bridgebuilders™