
Stakeholder buy-in, or lack thereof, can make or break any large-scale strategic initiative. Whether organisations are looking to implement LEAN, migrate to a new technology or enter new markets, internal stakeholder engagement is critical.

We have seen how underestimating the softer side of management can bring strategy execution to a halt. That’s why we use Gamechangers® to train leaders in strategic stakeholder engagement.

"Having an organisational understanding and proactively building positive relationships are core competencies for leaders in Arla. Gamechangers® helps leaders understand and strengthen these competencies in an effective and fun way"
- Thomas Schou Høj, Arla Foods amba, Learning & Development 

What’s in it for them?

Stakeholders are more than just dots on a chart, they are people with influential power, personal agendas, networks and motives. And they want to know: What’s in it for me? Gamechangers® will train your ability to build support in a complex stakeholder landscape.

As you map your stakeholders the simulation lets you uncover informal mandates and relationships. Who should you involve, and when? Your people and negotiation skills will propel your strategy forward or backward depending on how you bring them into play to build coalitions and commitment.

Collaboration is key

Gamechangers® calls for collaboration. We know how valuable knowledge sharing is when it comes to learning. That’s why when training leaders and managers we make them work together and share perspectives.

There is a lot to learn from the dilemmas in the simulation but just as much to learn by uncovering tacit knowledge among the players. Their combined experiences will help them rise to the challenges in the simulation as well as back home in the organisation.

"Gamechangers® has a highly sophisticated way of representing stakeholder relations and levels of buy-in, and it prepares our clients for running successful initiatives within large organisations. It works well for knowledge sharing between experienced professionals as well as safe grounds for leadership talents to experiment. "
- Morten Jaeger, Head of Consulting at Workz

  • The moveboard shows which stakeholders are onboard with the project
    The moveboard shows which stakeholders are onboard with the project
  • You gain important insights into the stakeholders by engaging them
    You gain important insights into the stakeholders by engaging them
  • A selection of leadership actions
    A selection of leadership actions