Strategy activation toolkit

How do you engage 18,000+ colleagues across 10+ countries in saving the planet? 

We love to work with change that matters, and one project that we have been especially excited about in 2021 has been helping a industry leading dairy company with the launch of their new corporate strategy, which is based on strong sustainability commitments.

The dairy industry plays a critical role in transforming the farming sector, which today is a major source of climate emissions. There can be no viable solution to the threat of climate change without successful change in the way farming incl. dairy operates.      

We had the pleasure of helping our client with the design and deployment of a strategy activation toolkit inspired by the "backbriefing" methodology. The toolkit is comprised of four dialogue tools that enable the 900 people leaders in the company to run engaging workshops with their colleagues. The tools support both the initial introduction of the strategy and the follow-up activities, and all tools are designed for both in-person and virtual engagement.

Overview of the four tools:

  1. Preparing team engagement
    Solo-exercise to prepare leaders for engaging their teams. The tool helps leaders to identify and address the individual needs and concerns of their team members.
  2. Our new strategy
    For helping colleagues connect the why, what and how of the strategy. For in-person or virtual kick-off workshops where each team discuss the new strategy and the implications for their area of work.   
  3. Our contribution
    Engaging teams in pinpointing their role and how they can contribute to the journey. This workshop process includes goal setting, mapping of barriers, and identification of key actions to build momentum. 
  4. Follow-up on implementation
    For helping teams later in the process to share learnings, celebrate achievements and recalibrate efforts. The outcome is a shared understanding of critical next steps and potential risks to avoid.

Based on a "just-in-time training" approach, all 900 people leaders were invited to short virtual training sessions shortly before the strategy roll-out. The training sessions on how to use and facilitate the tools were combined with facilitation guides and support materials incl. relevant change leadership assets. 

The impact of any corporate strategy is strongly linked to the number of people who take ownership for their commitments, and who invest themselves in driving the needed changes. Hopefully, the toolkit can help to create momentum behind some of the needed transformation within the dairy industry.

  • Using a board in Mural
    Using a board in Mural
  • The boards
    The boards